The Blue Pen

Monday, September 14, 2009

A post for the sake of posting

Not much to say today. Still working on my romance novel. Tried reading some fiction but I just can't seem to get into it. Maybe after I finish my latest project.

Music helps a lot when it comes to inspiring me. And yet, music also helps me stay grounded. My first priority is my family. A few years ago, I would have doubted my sincerity when I said that because my first thought would be "but what about writing?" Not anymore. I think of all those stars whose music inspires me and realize that most of them had to give everything for music. Sad, but I think I would rather have a great family than a great novel. Maybe I'll read up a bit about Red Nichols today.

I'm thinking of sending my other novel off to be critted. I'd rather not. I want to do it myself or have my Wise Reader do it for me. However, my WR is very busy and the novel hasn't cooled off enough for me to look at it.

Ah, well. Enough rambling. Back to work.


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